Queerly linked

This is a list of blogs that focus on, or at times touch on, issues that affect intersex people who are not gender compliant.

It also has stuff other people bother about.

Some of these blogs and sites linked to are run by people I know. If you would like a link added, drop a reply-post from this page. If you would like a link removed, let me know.


Del LaGrace Volcano – Del’s photograpy

Beautiful Queers – queer photography


IATNZ – NZ intersex awareness

Bodies Like Ours – US-based intersex group

Intersex UK – UK based intersex/DSD organisation

Intersex Initiative – Portland (US) based intersex group

Radical feminism

Sex Matters

Bev Jo

Julie Bindel – UK journalist and campaigner for rights of women


Trans Scribe – Mercia’s transsexuality & spirituality blog

Women Born Transsexual – Suzan’s transsexual separatist blog

Jane Fae – transsexual journalist blog

Misswonderly – thoughts of Sarah’s transsexual blog

Just Plain Sense – Christine Burn’s transsexual blog

Clare Flourish – transsexuality and spirituality


Alice Dreger – links to a number of blogs that include her writing on intersex, ethics, embodiment, etc.


The Bastard – The news today, an independent source of facts, truth, lies, slander and gossip


GeekZone – Kiwi-based techie stuff

Felipe Contreras – Linux-oriented techie stuff

In Geek – Linux-oriented techie stuff


Ice In Space – Australian astronomy site

SLOOH – Onlone telescope access


Changing Attitude – LGBT – one of the last Christian organisations I had anything to do with, and still support

Sibyls – TS/TG/TV/IS Christian support network


Voluntary Human Extinction Movement – because we all know the world would be a much better place without us.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

6 comments on “Queerly linked

  1. louisevanhine , graeme (no second name needed), you michelle, de la grace, gina and a host of other people are destroyers of community because you dont know how to be social! you know no boundaries and you believe that blogs like these are important even though they are extremely unpopular! buy and read my book , you will, curiosity will get the better of you, i will look forward to the notification that i have your money for my book, that day i will be laughing even more than i am already at you! your tactics are easily understood-no real tact, proof you dont have much of a social life. i pity people like you! not able to handle criticism and only able to do onto others that you cant handle yourself, bully tactics or stupid tactics by a stupid person, i dont call you a bully, i call you insensitive, a non listener and ignorant and yeah, stupid! so gulp THAT down.
    i originally challenged you saying that calling cherryblossom a troll was stupid, you have now changed the wording on the section u include cherry blossom as a troll, without me commenting you would never have made your blog better written! my job is done, bow to your master! exciting blog(sarcasm) , like so many other intersex loners, you are desperate for any one to come and comment, which i think just shows the sadness of your particular story! hopefully you are not asleep like last time! i would love for you to read this before the 100′ s / 1000’s of people that will read this blog overnight(more sarcasm) ………. this blog looks like a bitching site! its not informative, like it could be, it strays off the main points, it bitches too much and the sadness of it, is that some things written here are a criminal offense and lawyers are looking at this, looking back at me and thinking “wtf, are these people fucking stupid?!?!” and i have to agree with their conclusions, from an outsider looking in, it shows a lot of resentment, anger and jealousy and misconstruing personal information on people based on the bitchings! hahahahahahaha.
    crap blog, the only good on this blog is michelles own story of their diagnosis, apart from that, this blog, if to be seen by a wider audience(which it does not yet have) will be seen as a bitchers blog rather than an information about intersex conditions and then talks of computer technology and advancements!
    i wish michelle all the luck there is destined for them from god, there is not much, so use it wisely!
    peace eventually, last month, i was not in the mental space to deal with any more crap from an unknowing , now known fool(michelle and stalkerface)……. now i have the energy to spend taking you sad fools on……..
    saddest thing here is is that michelle accused me of being immature on my own facebook page, but what i do and write is seen as helpful for most, what michelle does now, is immaturely go around facebook , sobbing and crying wolf, when the wolf is in sheeps clothing! i pity the world having to listen to lectures from michelle, dela, louise,gina—these people are disturbed! how do i know???eh, from all the people i have met and still meet in my life! i understand human beings! so i forgive your stupidity and actions michelle, you dont have the maturity or intelligence to do anything else……..
    make sure in your next life that you be something that cant talk english, it does not suit you! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha( this post was a pleasure……… be my guest, in my world, where life exists, your world seems dull,dead and dead boring)

      • Know, as in know who he is, rather than know him personally?


        His name is Gavan Coleman, who goes by the moniker “PeaceAndParty”. He is a ‘friend’ of Nicky, the transgender intersex-wannabe and half-wit who was the author of the derogatory transphobic piece published on a radical feminist website I referred to a while back. Not sure why, but it seems they are united in their hatred of Graeme Tucker, who has commented here quite a bit. When Gavan realised I was able to hold a sane conversation with Graeme, he began attacking me, and started sending ‘friend’ requests to all my friends and family on facebook for some strange reason – until I complained about his behaviour to FB admin, and blocked both of his identities, real and fake. Gavan appears to have some form of mental health issue; I am not in a position to assess his condition, although he clearly displays extreme paranoia at times. That could simply be because he still hasn’t grown out of marijuana abuse, which can give rise to cannabis psychosis, or he may be a repressed homosexual (the most common cause of paranoia), or he may simply have some form of bi-polar disorder (he certainly acts like he has BPD).

        I opened the invitation to come and discuss things here to him as well as Nicky (who is still too much of a coward to do so); unfortunately, Gavan has demonstrated he is completely incapable of coherent and rational discourse, preferring abuse. Which is a shame, really. As you will be able to pick up from the text he shat on my blog, he is extremely ego-centric, and quite deluded, because he thinks he is clever; objectively, you can see that just by writing this shit he demonstrates the complete opposite.

        I didn’t have a problem with Gavan, mainly because I hadn’t heard of him until about a year ago, and never managed to get past about 30 seconds of his tediously boring and mono-toned YouTube videos. Goodness knows why Mani included the creep in her recent documentary. As a social-work professional you would think she would know the implications of pandering to the delusions of grandiosity of somebody like him that would come from being included in such a documentary. But, because he attacked me for no apparent reason, I now have to treat him with the contempt he deserves, unfortunately, when actually, I don’t give a toss about the guy.


  2. you wanted a comment! you got it! do you like it?! hehehehehehehe. hope you enjoy your new friendship. you can tell me anytime you want about how intelligent and perceptive i am or are you not as intelligent as me to see that….awwwwww poor baby!

  3. The sentence structure (or should I say the lack of it?), says it all really.

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